Our rate from 1.1.2023 is CHF 140.05 per 60 minutes. The duration is individual and is billed every 5 minutes.
Recognized with complementary supplementary insurance. For detailed information, please contact your health insurance company.
Cancellation: If you are unable to keep your appointment, it must be canceled 24 hours in advance. Appointments canceled later or not at all will be charged.
Recognized with complementary supplementary insurance. For detailed information, please contact your health insurance company.
Cancellation: If you are unable to keep your appointment, it must be canceled 24 hours in advance. Appointments canceled later or not at all will be charged.
The treatment takes place on the clothed body. Please bring comfortable clothing (ideally natural fibers) - fresh socks, T-shirt or long-sleeved, long trousers!
You can change in the practice.
You can change in the practice.